Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why is it that people can not wait to fix their cars when they have an accident. They want it fixed within a week and will pay top dollar. Now when their homes (roofs) are damaged by hail wind or rain (now remember the roof protects everything you own) this is what I hear. 1. I going to wait we might get another hail storm,
2.its not leaking yet, 3.I want my deductible covered, 4.roofing company price should be lower than the insurance "estimate". 5. Can you match this low price so I can put money in my pocket

Now check out the response

1.Why not wait to get the car fixed you might get into another accident.
2.If it leaks because you waited the insurance is not responsible for the water damage.
3.Its called "insurance fraud".
4.How can you actually believe (A)That the insurance company is not going to try and minimize their payout.
5. Why do you think living in a 250,000 - 500,000 dollar your roof should only cost $8000.00.

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